Be Happy.........
Hi, I am Happy!
Not the adjective but a proper noun.
Are you thinking- How is it possible? How can happy be a proper noun?
Do you want to know the journey of Happy from an adjective to proper noun?
Well the story starts from the time when I was born.
At the time of my birth everyone was happy as I was born
When the first ray of sunshine fell on my face its warmth made me smile
I was new to the planet and as everything was new to me everything was so beautiful
The gentle breeze,the azure blue sky,the droplets of rain,the snow flakes made me happy
My mother's touch, my father smile when he used to see me ,
My grandparents' story telling, my siblings calling me by different names
All these made me happy.
As I got books with alphabets "a" "b" "c" , the smell of the books
The pictures inside the books made me happy
Time passed by and I grew up slowly
I realized slowly there can be other sources of happiness as well
I used to feel happy when I shared my imaginations with my friends
We used to make animal shadows with hands
We used to cook up many ghost stories and tell one another
And would get scared; even that was a source of happiness.
Time flew fast and reality dawned on me
I came to know education is a powerful tool
I came to know education is one of the most potential source of happiness
And the logic is a simple chain rule
The more you learn the more you earn, and the more you earn the more you can buy
So I focused on gaining more marks
The better student you are, the more potential you have to gain happiness
Years passed by, I learned a lot
Finally when I started earning I looked around me and saw
This theory of learn and earn has been applied by thousands of other people
In the rat race of earning money, there are so many people who buy more than me
Finally I decided to sit and calculate how much profit did I make in this life game
I asked myself - Do these people who earn more than me have gained more happiness?
As money can buy everything I had heard
I met many people,listened to their life stories, I noted few of those:
Person A
Happiness?? Well I do not know, but I have created more wealth for sure. I had given up my relation, the only person of my life who had loved me, I had given up in the search of wealth.
How does it feel? I asked.
I feel accomplished, he replied
Are you at peace? Are you satisfied with your life? I asked.
I do not think of that. All I care is my bank balance which increases every year, he replied.
Do you miss anything? I asked
Yes, I do. At the end of days work when I return back to my home it is empty. I miss the twinkle in child's eyes, the warmth of the hug of wife, which all my subordinates get when they return back to their home.
Person B
Happiness? I must be happy. I have a family, good bank balance, I have my kids, I must be happy.
So you are happy? I asked.
Well my work keeps me away from my family, so there is a distance, I work for them only but I do not get enough time to spend with them. I need- time I think, then I will be happy.
Person C
Happiness?? Dont even think of that! I had a break up just now! I dont think I will be able to fall in love ever again. I keep on checking her fb page and I post minimum 5 sad and sarcastic posts to make her realize and make the entire online world alert of my sad mental status.
So, are you sad? I asked
Well not exactly! I got few potential gfs in the past 2 days because of my sad posts, replied the internet addict teenage boy with teary eyes and a smiling face
Person D
Happiness? Well I do not earn, I am a homemaker. So my husband my children when they praise me, the dishes prepared by me, it makes me happy. When they listen to me it makes me happy, as I stay alone for the entire day.
So you are happy, right?
No I am not, as I am growing fatter day by day. I want to reduce my weight else I am scared my hubby wont love me anymore, she sobbed.
Person E
Happiness?? Yes I am happy! said an old man.
Finally I got someone who said he is happy. I thought.
How did you find it? I asked.
Well through out my life I kept searching for it and finally I found.
Where is it? I asked
I kept running after things, after people. I thought money will give me happiness, I thought love, bonding with people will give me joy. In this process I did a grave mistake- I allowed my happiness to depend on things, or people. Finally when I stopped doing that I gained peace and happiness both. he said
I didnt understand. I said
I will explain to you, said the old man. In my young days. I ran after money thinking money can buy me pleasure, as I grew a little old I realized love is the source of pleasure, and when I went for it I found with love comes lot of expectations, which can put you to the path of sorrow. As I started my family life I found every one has their own bubble, and every body is alone in their own way because each one has their own set of beliefs and thought process and the way they perceive the world. It is futile to depend on others for your happiness. Your happiness is not anywhere, it is right there with you, no need to search for it or run after it, focus on your own bubble, focus on the present right here enjoy the little things and your present.
Enjoy the present as in? I asked
For example- If you are going to work enjoy the road the path that you are travelling, look around you, enjoy every bit of it, be where you are and try to soak all happiness you can from that time and place. Look at the mirror and see, yourself, ask what makes you actually happy, do all those things, do not keep regrets, do not go into other bubbles, let your bubble be so big that people will come to you, and finally no need to do or go anywhere to search for happiness, it is right there with you, you just need to discover it in your own way.
And thus the happy adjective me became a proper noun Happy as happiness is not for all neither it is available everywhere, but once you get it you are The Happy!
So be Happy and keep smiling!
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