How I managed to survive without Facebook... Back to Flashbacks
Dear Readers,
Most of you who are reading this blog know how addicted I am to Facebook! I wrote in my debut novel "That COVID Episode" how I plan my entire life around social media like Instagram and Facebook.
After posting each and every minute detail of my life on Facebook, I reached a stage which I call "Saturation Stage"- the stage where Facebook became as indispensable as oxygen and the result was obviously not very positive. Like my father says, "Too much of anything is not good".
I decided to cut off myself from the Facebook world and let's see what happens.
Initially, after the cut off I started spending more time on other social media like Instagram and LinkedIn. I found there's a crowd out there who did exactly what I had done - they stopped existing from Facebook. Previously I had the impression that Facebook is as good as your Aadhar Card, no Facebook means you are no more in this world!!!
After spending considerable time on Insta & Linkedn I asked myself - What's the point in deleting the Facebook app if you are spending time on other social media? It's as good as proclaiming yourself as a vegetarian while secretly feeding yourself fish or egg.
I do not have anything against vegan folks! It's just that being a foodie couldn't think of any other better example.
Also being a foodie, I started watching different recipes on Youtube. So my social media time was being spent on watching different cuisines and remakes of them. But how much a person can watch food. Also, too much of this led me to more food intake and subsequently to working towards shedding some extra kilos of my weight.
After completing this full cycle of weight gain weight loss thing, I started exploring other options of spending my social media time into something more meaningful, something which I actually like doing beside the "Food" world.
I can read books - but that I used to do even when I was doing Facebook, my inner self retorted.
And I went to seek my answer. How to get myself back, how did I survive even before Facebook started?
I went back to my childhood days - my school days... The days when I missed out watching soooo many tele serials, so many movies because I had to study for my exams which seemed to be never ending. I missed out watching so many animated films which came in the way of studies.
I remember the days when I yearned to grow up so that studies and exams get over and that time I had dreamt of not becoming a doctor or an engineer but a grown up who would be able to watch a movie over breakfast. As a child I wanted to grow up so that after waking up in the morning the first thing that I would be able to do was to switch on the TV without getting a scolding from parents.
Today, I did the same. With no studies, no exams and most importantly, with OTT platforms at the tip of my fingertips, I watched all the movies, the cartoons, the animated films which I had missed because of my exams, studies for over 21 years.
I feel happy about the fact that I am living my dream life (life of a grown up) when I can afford to watch Shaka Laka Boom Boom, Shaktimaan, Disney movies, Satyajit Ray movies, Uttam Kumar movies, SRK movies, Hrittik Roshan films or cartoons like Tom & Jerry, Nonte Fonte, Gopal Bhar..... the list goes on and on...
Facebook is not toxic if you do not get addicted to it, but nothing beats like watching an old hindi movie over popcorn on a Sunday afternoon in the cozy corner of home.
Try doing it someday, try taking advantage of being a grown up, I am sure it will bring a smile on your face!
Till then take care.
With love,
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