When You Are 30
When you are at 30, you realize that you have already built up your own choices,
When you are at 30, you realize that you have your own preferences, set of beliefs,
When you are at 30, you probably are very sure how you want to live the rest of your life,
That''s because you probably have spent the 29 years of life either experimenting, or,
Have taken so many risks that now you know exactly how things work with you.
At 30, you tend to enjoy more the real things rather than the artificial ones,
At 30, you probably enjoy more at the houseparties and not at pubs,
At 30, that rebellious teenager inside you vanishes and now you probably
Try to observe more and understand better your parents,
Thats because you know some day later in your life you would be in their place.
At 30, when you look around you suddenly find you are no more wearing the latest trendy clothes
You would find several younger people wearing far better fashionable clothes
Thats because now you try to wear comfortable clothes and there is no more that sense of keeping up with the latest trends works with you.
At 30, you tend to converse more about investments and career progression with your friends
Rather than latest movies or about film actors, you are actually more focussed in your own life.
30 is not the end of youth neither the beginning of old age phase
Rather it is the time when you give a pause to your life,
Rewind, look back and can smile and say to yourself
"Yes have lived the life, learnt so much, now its time to implement those".
At 30, life is not fast paced, rather more sorted as compared to your teenage stage.
So cheers to all those who are entering 30 or would be entering this another phase of life!
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