A Big Fat Lie

During the early days of civilization the population was less, hence there was less division among the mass. Neither there was caste system on the basis of profession nor there was division on the basis of religious gurus; that time the only division was on the basis of visible and evident difference - gender. There were two groups - male and female. While females were physically weak, they had the power to reproduce; males lacked this power but they were physically strong, much stronger than a female. 

One day one of the males overheard the conversation between two females, one of them were saying - " You know what we are more powerful as we can produce, without us human race cannot exist." The other female said "But you would agree with me that without a male's contribution this is not possible!"
The first woman said - "Yes of course my dear, but dont forget that we are the ones who carry the baby for several months inside us. Without this the baby cannot see the daylight. Soon we will rule the planet as we have this unique power. No matter how much strength the men have, without us carrying them and feeding them in our womb they are nothing. We can choose to feed them less when they are in our womb and make them weak."

After hearing this the male got afraid. He went back to his group and told them all in details whatever he had heard. The males got afraid, afraid of the fact that their physical power wont be considered in the long run,by natures law since their contribution to growth of humankind is very less they would be the second citizen. After much thought they came up with a marvellous plan. And the plan was what if after marriage if the females belong to them or in today's language if the females become part of their family instead of them going to the females family, then the importance of male would always be at superior position. Hence in case of marriage a girl goes to the groom's place, during death ritual only the son has the right to perform all the prime rituals. All these have been created long back and today this belief that a son will carry forward a family's name is so much deeply believed by the mass that a girl child is undesirable. A woman is not desired even before her birth and the logic behind it is the fear that the family growth would be stoppped. But the truth is that the family system has been created by human while by nature's law a woman is the one who will carry forward the humanrace because of her power - the power of motherhood.

P.S - Dedicated to all those foetus who were destroyed just because they had the power to produce! RIP all the female foetus!


  1. This children's day, fight for the foetus irrespective of the gender! Let's spread more awareness on this.. another thought if that several parts of India still follows matriarchy like Kerala and Devi worship also teaches you to bow before a woman. In a lot of cultures, example Kannadigas, the groom touches the bride's feet first in the pretext of putting a toe ring and then the bride touches his feet to seek blessings. Most Indian culture have this tradition, just that the some males try their power play at home and tend to dominate.. let's stand up and prove that women are no less in any way


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