Faith Belief and Brands......
" If
you believe you can, you can! "
We have heard this may be n number of times. We are also
aware of the fact that every human has huge potential inside him which makes
him capable of doing such things which seem to be impossible to other people.
The only difference between an achiever and an average person is the achiever
believed that he can. The strength of the belief not only makes a human to
survive for several days without proper food and water (if we see life of pi
movie) or taking example from real life - Prahlad Jani who could
survive without food and water for several days as he believed that goddess
Amba/Durga sustains him.
Without questioning the existence of God or without going
into the controversy of religious beliefs and customs and rituals, it wont be
wrong to state that "Praying" does give inner strength/ that self
belief which makes the person capable of doing things which he want to. And this
belief, my friends, is the basis of our rituals, customs and also the Branding.
Starting from our early days of life, most of us used to pray with utmost
sincerity to God before exams, and our strength of the belief in God reinforced
when results showed that we had fared well in exams. Some of us may have
started developing little habits like seeking parents blessings before
important exams or keeping the pencil box at God's feet the night before exams.
The same people after growing up, question why do we have to follow certain age
old tradition or rituals like keeping a tulsi plant at home. The age old beliefs
stem from the same root from where keeping pencil box at God's feet the night
before exam started.
Its not right or wrong, good or bad to follow the rituals.
Rules, rituals have been made to strengthen family bonding or to give inner
strength. But if the same belief creates problem in life or is no more convenient
then following those rules doesn’t make any sense. One of such examples is
wearing the red and white bangles for the entire life post marriage ensuring
that those brittle things shouldn’t break, which is nearly an impossible target
for those women who have to work throughout the day and this is equally
applicable for both working and non working women, especially those who do
household work. Those who do daily household work would know with how much
speed and promptness things need to be done, in this kind of scenario wearing
bangles which are brittle would result in their breakage. Hence, in many
families this rule has been modified and the bangle wearing tenure has been
infuses belief in people, so does the Branding. Through ads each Brand gives
different belief to people. While BMW signifies classiness, Maruti gives an
image of affordability. Manufacturing a tshirt in India hardly costs 150
rupees, but if we put a tag of any renowned brand, the price range will be from
Rs 600-2k. The quality of product varies according to price but to a certain
extent. More than product performance, what creates the price difference is the
branding of the product. And this has been applied to everything that we buy or
take service from, starting from an ice cream to restaurant, starting from
saloon to hospitals, starting from dress to cars.
before choosing a brand think carefully before settling for one!
So true... Darun re