Breaking the Perception
It is a known fact that one of the basic need of human, beside food, clothing and shelter is the need for power. We all want to be powerful in some form or the other. And power is not enough until it is being acknowledged by others. What happened? Too much theory????? Too much of copied & pasted lines from the college books? Well, lets make this simple, then!
In your school days, were there any students who used to study for hours but still would deny the fact and would tell that they had watched cartoon network or were busy playing for hours? Did you meet one of those who would say they it's a surprise for them how they scored so much in exams as they didn't study many of the chapters or they just glanced through the pages the night before the exam; while the truth is they slogged their asses off for the entire year. But still they would not admit so as they want to be perceived as intelligent mortals. Again in school, there were a group of students who used to score very high in the exams and would refrain from talking to those who managed to get only the pass marks, as if just through talking or behaving nicely with the lesser recognised poor souls all their marks would get transferred to the later.
In schools we were all young and this kind of immatured behaviour is pardonable. But as you grow up you realise that age is just a number and all these kind of behaviour still persist but in different form. If a grown up do not talk with others, there is a term for it- "Ego". We presume that it is the "Ego" of the person which is stopping his/her to mix freely with others. If someone blows his trumpet we laugh at his back and avoid him, simple!
The truth is we all have this "Ego" and we have different ways of showing it. Since we all want to feel powerful we have formulated few brilliant ways to manifest the same.
One of those is the caste system. It started on the basis of the profession, the more skilled people or the people whose work created more impact were classified as the higher caste. This system is so strong that even today in the 21st century people would look for partner from the same community (specially in case of arranged marriages), even is this age of Facebook and Whats App you would hear children having tussle with their parents as they want to marry some one outside their caste.
Another form of the manifestation of power is difference in pay cheque. Different organisations have different ways of doing the same. Some promote the high performance employees while in some organisations (mostly in Govt organisations) seniority is the measure. The employees who get more facilities or who draw more salary feel that they are more powerful than their counterparts. If a high performer feels so it is still close to the reality, but if a person who had been promoted just on the basis of seniority and that person behaves in a lordly manner, then there is a formula below for his/her:
Your knowledge = f(time)
and this function above is an exponential one. Pardon me for using such jargon. What I meant was your knowledge is increasing with time and anybody in your place would have acquired the same knowledge, so, if only because of this you feel you have achieved something, please think twice.
There is a beautiful phrase in bengali and it goes like this-
"There was a little flower which grew up amidst the grasses, everybody ignored it as it was not creating any impact in their lives or it was not powerful; but as the sun rose in the morning, the sunshine touched its petals and the sun asked the flower 'Hey, are you alright?' "
The essence of the lines are two fold-
1. A person who is powerful/ great need neither to blow his/her trumpet nor to belittle anybody to prove his/her greatness as the entire world would acknowledge the greatness through the work he/she has done
2. The greatness lies in the fact how you interact with others as at the end of the day people would judge you or remember you by the way you have interacted with them; if you could make someone happy that is the real achievement
P.S- Dedicated to all the ego clashes, to all the egoistic & proud people whom I have witnessed/ am witnessing in 27 years of my life :)
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