I moved on

I moved on, so I am here

I started the journey all alone
Met many people on either side of the road
Some travelled with me for some distance
Some talked for a while
Some exchanged smiles
Some just passed a glance
But I kept on moving.

I reached halfway and took a break
Some stayed with me
Some of my co-travellers took coffee with me
We exchanged few details about our native places
Discussed our likes and dislikes
We shared our past travel experiences
Some of them got emotional while sharing their past stories
Pride reflected in the eyes of some, when
They talked about the hurdles that they had crossed
Happiness spread across their face while
They shared their most memorable travel experiences.

I again started the journey
Many of them continued the trip
Some stayed back as they had already reached their destination
Few of them fell ill, I stopped for a while
Gave them medicine, but that didnt help them
They stopped taking breath after a while
I moved on as I had to, to reach my destination
Met many weird people, had different kinds of experiences
Some tried to kill me, some I killed
But I kept on moving, so I am here.

Finally when I reached the hill 
And saw the setting sun, I sat for a while
With my knees bent 
And reflected for a while
Coz now perhaps for the first time in my life 
I am thoughtful
It is quite strange that I never thought before
I was too busy to run a rat race.

I am thoughtful about the fact that 
Exactly how much did I gain
By ignoring small things in my life 
Which I could have enjoyed during the journey
I am thoughtful about the fact that 
Exactly how much did I gain
By not carrying with me all the emotions 
Which few of my co-passengers had shown
I am thoughtful about the fact that 
Exactly how much did I gain
By hurting the sentiments of people 
And moving on in life

I am thoughtful, but
Still I again moved on, 
Coz I have to run a race
I moved on
Coz I have to reach my final destination
I moved on
Coz I do not know where to put a fullstop.

#Dedicated to all those who are busy in their rat race


  1. Made me reminisce for quite a while!


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