Love, Relationship, Feelings....

It's ok to have feelings for different people at the same time
Coz feelings do not have the same form or type
It's ok if you feel for someone but do not love that person
Coz feelings and love are not the same
It's ok if you do not want to be in a relation with the person you feel for
Coz feeling, love and relation are completely different things.

Love is that kind of feeling which makes you think about the well being of that person
Love has different forms
Some people feel love means sacrifice, some people feel love means marriage
Some feel love means to care about that person, even if you cannot stay with that person
May be love means to think about that person before you think about yourself, like a mother does for her child.

Relationship is all about whether you will be able to stay with that person for time being
If its long term, people end up tieing knots; for short term people call it dating.

Feeling is a psychological state of mind I belief
Its like a sudden gust of wind
Which makes you feel happy.

Tell me something.....
Why feel sad if you find your partner is having feeling for somebody else?
At the end of the day what you look for in your partner?
Security, a sense of belongingness, whatever might happen that person will stay by your side.
So as long as that person is comfortable sharing with you about the feelings it should be absolutely fine.
At the end of the day you should have that sense of comfort and peace of mind
When you are spending time with your partner, you can be yourself. 

It is heart not a cage that you can have only one person here.
It's ok if more people stays here coz that is the way it should be, it is absolutely normal.
Coz sab k lie dil me alag sa jaega reheta hai, sab k lie feelings rehete hai
Coz at the end of the day we are all human and at the end of the day we do feel!
Why do you need to run away from feelings, why do you need to encage yourself and restrict yourself to a single person?
Why do people think that loving a single person is good and loving many is sin?
It's all about preferences - Some people prefer to love one person at a time
Some go for multiple at a time
But each one of us has loved many people in our lives, be it at a time or in different time
So why waste time in fighting for the petty issues; It's just matter of timing!

Whenever I find couples fighting for trust/ faith issue, I feel 
It's a sheer waste of time
If your bonding is good and if your understanding of people specially of your partner is there
All these things will never occur.
At the end of the day its all about accepting your partner with all the positive and negative qualities
And most importantly spending quality time with him/her.
Why your partner need to hide things from you when you are ready to accept the way he/she is?

So why not stop fighting and be forgiving, coz we are all human
And all of us have done mistakes in our lives
It is OK. Life is too short for all these.
Coz at the end of the day what matters is
So live and let live.

P.S- Wrote from 25years of experience of love, relationship, feelings....


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