
Showing posts from 2024


 Dear Readers, Have you ever felt insecure at any point of time? You must be laughing at my question thinking isn't feeling insecure the most common thing! Well it is. As a child my biggest insecurity was my gender. I always wanted to be a boy, I despised the fact that God has made me a girl. My thoughts started from the day when my father bought a bicycle for my younger brother - the cycle which I wanted to ride! When I asked my parents why I was never given a cycle, their reply was you are a girl, you are delicate, what if while cycling you fall and get bruises or if major injury happens! From that day I started noticing this issue - the issue of being a "girl". Several times I had heard my relatives telling my parents - "Thank God you have been blessed with a son, else who would have looked after you in your old age or who would have carried forward your family!"  As a child I kept on exploring this zone and asked myself several times what is the thing which ...

Barriers that we create

Dear Readers, It's been quite sometime that I have not been able to blog. There were too many things going on - workfront, my Mom's health not keeping well etc. Now that all these are sorted, thought of resuming my blogging again. Just few days ago, when my maid asked me for a glass of water, I was looking for the designated glass which I usually give her and others who help us in our daily household work. Just then I realised something - I am unknowingly following the same norm which I have seen in my childhood days at home. I have seen my Mom, my Grandmom using separate dishes and glasses for the maids. For the guests of the house, seperate kind of crockery set was used but the difference between the dishes for maid and for the guests was the quality of the plates. The guests were given higher quality material plates, the family would use the basic material plates (steel at that time) and the maids would get aluminium or old steel plates. I immediately stopped searching for m...