Motherhood - Part 2
Dear Readers, During pregnancy, we didnt stop going out on dates. Mental happiness of the mother is the most important for a healthy baby. We focussed on that mainly. We went out to movie dates mostly as eating out was limited option for me.Once we booked a 4d movie and when we reached there came to know that pregnant women are not allowed in a 4d hall. Phew!!! This is what happens when you are young and excited parents! I remember in my 3rd trimester once we went to Pizza Hut to satiate my pizza craving, found a couple whispering at my baby bump and yes from their expression you could clearly guess that they were wondering how come I went out with that huge baby bump of mine! I felt amused. This might be because with age I have become immune to "log kya kehenge" - I have learnt to ignore what people think. This has helped me a lot in staying positive and also in my self growth and happiness. Whenever my baby moved inside me or responded to my touch I felt happy and good tha...