Motherhood - Part 1
Dear Readers, "Motherhood is a different ballgame altogether!" Whenever my mother watsapps me or calls me, she asks - Did you eat? Probably this is the universal question of all mothers. And like all other children I get irritated by this question. I used to wonder all these years why is she after my food intake. Another equally irritating behaviour of her is hypertension. Now that I stay miles apart from her, phone and wats app are the medium of contact. If I do not answer her calls or if the last seen of my wats app is several hours ago she starts panicking. I wonder why is she like this when it comes to me. Because otherwise she is a very cool headed person. Ironically today I am equally uncool, hypertensed, all time freaking out mother just like my own Mom who's only motive in life is to feed her daughter properly and who always finds her daughter to be thin each time she sees her! Lol! I am aware that I have this problem but I dont wanna solve it. Strange?! Isnt it? ...