
Showing posts from April, 2017

Breaking the Perception

It is a known fact that one of the basic need of human, beside food, clothing and shelter is the need for power. We all want to be powerful in some form or the other. And power is not enough until it is being acknowledged by others. What happened? Too much theory????? Too much of copied & pasted lines from the college books? Well, lets make this simple, then! In your school days, were there any students who used to study for hours but still would deny the fact and would tell that they had watched cartoon network or were busy playing for hours? Did you meet one of those who would say they it's a surprise for them how they scored so much in exams as they didn't study many of the chapters or they just glanced through the pages the night before the exam; while the truth is they slogged their asses off for the entire year. But still they would not admit so as they want to be perceived as intelligent mortals. Again in school, there were a group of students who used to score ...