Real Estate Investment in Covid Phase
"If money is the power, then I want it now!" Does this echo your thought? Then please read it till the end. At the end of the day, we all want to have financial stability, specially after Covid Episode when entire economy is disrupted, financial stability is the only thing that we seek for. In my last blog " Where to invest during Covid" I gave an exhaustive list of investment possibilities. Current FD (Fixed Deposit) rate is 5% to 5.4% and average annual inflation rate (1958 to 2021) is 7.29%. What does this mean? This means what we get for Rs 100 now, we would be getting the same quantity at Rs 107 after 1 year, while if we invest Rs 100 now in FD, after one year it would be Rs 105. This means FD is no more an investment now, as you can see we would be losing money if we go for FD. Apart from investing in share markets, you may go for Bond market. The risks are far less in Bond as if a company gets bankrupted, then their shareholders might not get back what they ...