
Showing posts from September, 2019

It's time to say!!!

Article 15 (1) of Indian constitution states: The state shall not discriminate against any citizen of India on the ground of sex! This is on legal paper. Let's look at the following on what happens in practice. Irrespective of economic, social, geographic location within India, if we take out a sample of true representation of this country the stages are more or less the following: Before a child birth: Everybody praying to God - " God please give us a son who can carry forward our family name and take care of us in our agile phase!" Reality shouts: " Who will carry the baby inside the body for 10 months? Your son? Or his wife?"                          "Who has created this system of carrying forward the family name? And why the hell does it matter? Do you still belong to the stone age where you need to increase the member of your clan so that you have more man power to fight with t...

Bond Investment

What is Bond? In order to raise funds, corporate or government organizations take loan from investor. The investor gives loan to them and in return purchases the bond. The investor buys the bond and the money that they pay for the bond are used by the organizations to utilise in profitable projects. The investor will receive regular interest payments from the issuer until bond matures. Another way to earn money from the bond it to sell the bond at a higher price. Lets look at the following examples. Example 1: In order to publish a promising book, I need money. I would take it as a loan from my friend A. A would lend me the money and in return would buy bond with a maturity date. This means A would ensure that her money would be repaid at the maturity date and also she would earn interest at regular intervals from me till before the maturity date. Another way of earning money for A would be to sell the bond at a higher price to someone else. If that other person...