
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Art of Saving Money

“Money is not about how much you earn, but it’s also about how much you save.” General human tendency is to splurge when you have a huge sum in your account, for example think about how much you spend on your salary day or first week of your salary day and how much you spend on the last day of the month. Why does it happen that on the last week of every month your ability to spend money decreases? Or let’s say when it comes to going to a movie show you tend to book the most expensive seats but mostly you stop yourself from imagining while it comes to buying the most expensive flat in the town? Let’s begin with the monthly salary thing. Have you noticed that towards the month end your “need” to buy a dress, or ordering food or riding Ola decreases while these needs are at priority when the month starts. We get all kinds of discounts pop ups in the beginning of the month which make us believe if we spend now, then it’s saving for us. The fact is that with money comes the unnece...